With the final shot of Abhinav Bhindra hitting the bullseye, India has won the first ever individual gold medal in the Olympics. It was quite a moment for Abhinav Bindra, as he had to get past Finland’s Henri Hakkinen and China’s Zhu Qinan. The last shot got Bindra 10.8 points and with that he topped the list with 700.5 points. Zhu Qinan came second and got the silver. The bronze was taken by Henri Hakkinen, whose last shot was a great disappointment to him.
All Indians congratulate our Individual Gold Medal Winner Mr. Abhinav Bindra of India's who secured the first Gold Medal for our Country. Mr. Abhinav Bindra achived the feat in the men's 10- meter air rifle shooting competition in Beijing Olympic 2008. This achiment brings the golden smile for every india.